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What Our Clients Say

Michele Goldman

CEO, School for Social Entrepreneurs Australia

Social Change Central provides a valuable resource for connecting social enterprises with grant funding, increasing the chance of them successfully achieving their social mission, and thereby adding value to the social fabric of our communities.

Jordan O'Reilly

Co-Founder, HireUp

Finding opportunities to support the growth of our for-purpose business was hard, especially in the early days. I’m thrilled to see an initiative like Social Change Central which will go a long way in supporting organisations like HireUp to establish themselves. There is a critically important role for organisations like Social Change Central in the emerging ecosystem of for-purpose, impact-driven businesses.

Carrie Deane

CEO, OnNow

It can be extremely difficult to source information around opportunities in which we meet the criteria. Having access to a platform like Social Change Central enables us to better manage resources, focus on our vision whilst we leaving the searching for opportunities to a third party.

Taj Pabari

Founder, Fiftysix Creations

Having entered the social entrepreneurial ecosystem at such a young age, finding relevant opportunities that could help me achieve my dreams was an integral part of my journey. A platform like Social Change Central that collates these opportunities would have been extremely beneficial when I started and would have significantly turbocharged my progress to date.

Charlotte Rose Mellis

Co-Founder, We are VOX POPULI

As a for-profit social enterprise, we strive towards creating positive impact on our planet by developing a sustainable business model. Social Change Central is a valuable resource to easily access potential funding opportunities from the onset.

Natalie Kyriacou

Founder, My Green World

It is extremely difficult to find funding opportunities for social enterprises. Social Change Central is a much needed platform that would go a long way in supporting social enterprises who are trying to achieve social impact but don't have DGR status.

James Stewart


As a founder of a social enterprise that isn't a DGR I find it very hard to find the right kind of funding. Social Change Central is a very helpful and a much needed resource in Australia's social enterprise ecosystem.

Jane Watson

Founder, Connected Purpose

Time is one of my most limiting resources (amongst many!) with running a small social enterprise. Being able to quickly identify opportunities and available support is one of the most critical factors to my success and Social Change Central is the only platform I have come across which enables me to identify these opportunities with ease and efficiency.

Ankit Chopra

Co-Founder, Eat Me Chutneys

The scattered nature of the sector means plenty of valuable hours go into searching for grants, awards and other avenues of help, along with networking opportunities and sector news. Social Change Central, which connects the myriad of social enterprises out there to the folks providing support is ace; so I can go back to making my chutneys!

Joshua Gilbert

Founder, Tractor Talks

As a young entrepreneur and activist who loves social enterprises, it’s often hard to get a footing and know where to start. So much time is spent searching the internet trying to understand where to start or what opportunities exist. Social Change Central is not only an information hub, it also has the ability to empower and connect like-minded individuals to thrive in the social sector.

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